Kouignaman Recipe

Product   %   Weight
Bread Flour 100 1000g
Salt 2.5 24g
Fresh Yeast 2.5 25g
Water (10% ice) 59 590g
Butter 4 40g
Addigerm CV 380 2 20g
Total 1685g
cake donuts


Mix in a Planetary Mixer 3 min low speed + 9 min medium speed
1st Fermentation None
Dividing 1450g
Resting 10 min in blast freezer
Folding Incorporate 500 gr of butter. Give a double folding.
Rest in the freezer for 10 mns, scale 450 gr of sugar.
Give a double folding and incorporate the sugar.
Shaping Keep incorporating sugar, sheet the dough to 6 mm thick then roll like pain aux raisins and cut at 90 g.
Blast Freeze at -30°C.
Keep overnight in chiller and bake.
Baking Rack oven at 175°C for 30 to 35 minutes
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