Brioche Feuilletee Recipe

Product   %   Weight
Bread Flour 100 1000g
Salt 2 20g
Sugar 7 70g
Addigerm CV 380 0.8 80g
Butter 6.5 65g
Whole Milk Powder 4.5 45g
Water 43 430g
Fresh Whole Eggs 10 100g
Fresh Yeast 5 50g
Total Dough 1788g
brioche Feuilletee


Mix in a Planetary Mixer 5 min low speed + 6 min medium speed
1st fermentation None
Dividing and shaping 1788g
Folding Add 500g butter, 1 Double + 1 Single
Sheeting Thickness 7mm
Shaping Roll like cinnamon roll and cut 80 gr pieces. Take each roll piece and dip in crystal sugar on each side. Place 6 pieces in a bread pan
Proofing 1.40 hour at 25°C and 75% RH
Baking Bake at 150°C for 45 minutes
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